Sunday, January 10, 2010

For The Record : Public School Is Evil

"For The Record" is brought to you by the Domestic Emergency Network (DEN), the free market response to FEMA. To apply for membership, visit

Friday, January 8, 2010

Joel Osteen Blesses Houston's New (Gay) Mayor Annise Parker

Annise Parker, the newly-elected happens-to-be-lesbian mayor of Houston was sworn in Monday and the opening prayer was given by ... Rev. Joel Osteen.

Is your head spinning? Osteen heads the nation's most mega of evangelical non-denominational megachurches, Lakewood Church in Houston where about 45,000 people cycle through a revamped sports stadium for services every weekend.

Osteen has been all over telling folks (Larry King, Whoopi Goldberg) for years that homosexuality is not "God's best." I presume he means "God's best choice" because otherwise I'm lost in the dropped or implied rest of the sentence. But "God's best" is phrase Osteen never finishes so I'm just guessing.

Yet, Osteen hasn't joined the more strident wing of the religious right in damning gays. Indeed, Osteen takes heat from other evangelicals who condemn him for not laying down a line of fire about sin of any kind. That's not his style, says the preacher known for his broad smile and sermons that God wants you to be happy. Osteen's best seller was titled, Your Best Life Now.

Now (hat tip to Mark Silk for pointing me to the Box Turtle Bulletin) writer Timothy Kincaid suggests to his gay readership that they look at Osteen more fully and fairly. Kincaid's post (which carries a disclaimer that others on the staff of the webzine don't necessarily agreed) says:

I think it would be useful for our community to adopt a more nuanced view of religious leaders. By doing so, we might find ourselves with unexpected allies.

Joel Osteen does not agree with my understanding of Scripture; but his disagreement does not make him a hater or a bigot. And I recognize the value in having a lesbian politician -- elected despite her opponent's religion-based homophobic campaign -- being given blessing by the pastor of the largest congregation in the nation.

Does this change your idea of Osteen? For better or for worse?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Obama to Jane Sturm: Hey, take a pill

Jane asks the President if her 100 year old mother (now 105) would have gotten a pacemaker under his plan. Well now that's a tough one ... that costs a lot and maybe we will have to say, just take a pill. Priceless.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Alex Jones discusses Secret Society depopulation scheme with Jesse Ventura

'Conspiracy Theory' authority Alex Jones explains the motives for and inner-workings towards a depopulation scheme that aims to eliminate some 80%+ of the current human population. Powerful globalists inside the Bilderberg group, along with the Big Pharma, Big Agra and vaccine cartels are working towards lowering sterility and attacking the immune system...

Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv 2/4 "Obamageddon!!"

Alex welcomes back to the show Gerald Celente, trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author who makes predictions about the global financial markets and other events of historical importance. Celente accurately forecasted the 1987 stock market crash, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the 1997 Asian currency crash and the 2007 subprime mortgage scandal. More recent forecasts involve fascism in the United States, food riots and tax revolts. He describes the emerging crisis as "Obamageddon."

Drunk Christians at New Years Nashville 2010?

Preachers John McGlone, Kerrigan Skelly and Tracy Bays descend upon the drunk hypocrites at Nashville's Hard Rock New Year 2010 foolishness. When will America repent?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Surviving Hitler's Hell

Anita Dittman was a child when Hitler took over Germany. Her life and family were torn apart as she found her mother taken away to a concentration camp and Anita herself faced starvation, illness, assault and a labor camp. Anita was hours from being exterminated when she escaped from her labor camp and set out on a journey to find her mother. This is the remarkable testimony of how Anita came to surrender her life to Jesus Christ as a youth and survived the Nazi Holocaust through a series of miracles and divine protection. Anita believes that America is going down a dangerous road that looks all too familiar to what she witnessed in Germany. This DVD is must viewing for every student and adult. Your faith will be strengthened and you will clearly see that ideas have consequences, your worldview matters and that God will sustain us through His grace and for His honor and glory even in perilous times and even in the face of death. Anita's story reveals that even when the Church appears to lose, Christ wins. Distributed by

Obama is about to formally surrender US Sovereignty

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Obama is about to formally surrender US Sovereignty

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Its time to stand up America go to and click on the primary challenge and learn what we the people can do to take back America.

Contact your representatives regularly, give them a piece of your mind! Tell them to read the constitution and obey it. You can find your representatives here -

The Grave Influence of Saul Alinksy - Brannon Howse

Watch this new video clip of Brannon Howse speaking on Saul Alinsky, the Cloward-Piven strategy, and the neo-Marxist revolution taking place in America. Alinsky is one of the radicals Brannon Howse exposes in his new book, Grave Influence: 21 Radicals and Their Worldviews That Rule America From The Grave.