Saturday, August 28, 2010

Author: More teens becoming 'fake' Christians

Anne Havard of Atlanta, Georgia, may be a rarity. She's an American teenager who is passionate about her Christian faith.
Anne Havard of Atlanta, Georgia, may be a rarity. She's an American teenager who is passionate about her Christian faith.

(CNN) -- If you're the parent of a Christian teenager, Kenda Creasy Dean has this warning:

Your child is following a "mutant" form of Christianity, and you may be responsible.

Dean says more American teenagers are embracing what she calls "moralistic therapeutic deism." Translation: It's a watered-down faith that portrays God as a "divine therapist" whose chief goal is to boost people's self-esteem.

Dean is a minister, a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary and the author of "Almost Christian," a new book that argues that many parents and pastors are unwittingly passing on this self-serving strain of Christianity.

She says this "imposter'' faith is one reason teenagers abandon churches.

"If this is the God they're seeing in church, they are right to leave us in the dust," Dean says. "Churches don't give them enough to be passionate about."

What traits passionate teens share

Dean drew her conclusions from what she calls one of the most depressing summers of her life. She interviewed teens about their faith after helping conduct research for a controversial study called the National Study of Youth and Religion.

They have a lot to say. They can talk about money, sex and their family relationships with nuance.--Kenda Creasy Dean, author

The study, which included in-depth interviews with at least 3,300 American teenagers between 13 and 17, found that most American teens who called themselves Christian were indifferent and inarticulate about their faith.

The study included Christians of all stripes -- from Catholics to Protestants of both conservative and liberal denominations. Though three out of four American teenagers claim to be Christian, fewer than half practice their faith, only half deem it important, and most can't talk coherently about their beliefs, the study found.

Many teenagers thought that God simply wanted them to feel good and do good -- what the study's researchers called "moralistic therapeutic deism."

Some critics told Dean that most teenagers can't talk coherently about any deep subject, but Dean says abundant research shows that's not true.

"They have a lot to say," Dean says. "They can talk about money, sex and their family relationships with nuance. Most people who work with teenagers know that they are not naturally inarticulate."

In "Almost Christian," Dean talks to the teens who are articulate about their faith. Most come from Mormon and evangelical churches, which tend to do a better job of instilling religious passion in teens, she says.

No matter their background, Dean says committed Christian teens share four traits: They have a personal story about God they can share, a deep connection to a faith community, a sense of purpose and a sense of hope about their future.

"There are countless studies that show that religious teenagers do better in school, have better relationships with their parents and engage in less high-risk behavior," she says. "They do a lot of things that parents pray for."

Dean, a United Methodist Church minister who says parents are the most important influence on their children's faith, places the ultimate blame for teens' religious apathy on adults.

Some adults don't expect much from youth pastors. They simply want them to keep their children off drugs and away from premarital sex.

Others practice a "gospel of niceness," where faith is simply doing good and not ruffling feathers. The Christian call to take risks, witness and sacrifice for others is muted, she says.

"If teenagers lack an articulate faith, it may be because the faith we show them is too spineless to merit much in the way of conversation," wrote Dean, a professor of youth and church culture at Princeton Theological Seminary.

More teens may be drifting away from conventional Christianity. But their desire to help others has not diminished, another author says.

Barbara A. Lewis, author of "The Teen Guide to Global Action," says Dean is right -- more teens are embracing a nebulous belief in God.

Yet there's been an "explosion" in youth service since 1995 that Lewis attributes to more schools emphasizing community service.

Teens that are less religious aren't automatically less compassionate, she says.

"I see an increase in youth passion to make the world a better place," she says. "I see young people reaching out to solve problems. They're not waiting for adults."

What religious teens say about their peers

We think that they want cake, but they actually want steak and potatoes, and we keep giving them cake.
--Elizabeth Corrie, Emory University professor

Elizabeth Corrie meets some of these idealistic teens every summer. She has taken on the book's central challenge: instilling religious passion in teens.

Corrie, who once taught high school religion, now directs a program called YTI -- the Youth Theological Initiative at Emory University in Georgia.

YTI operates like a theological boot camp for teens. At least 36 rising high school juniors and seniors from across the country gather for three weeks of Christian training. They worship together, take pilgrimages to varying religious communities and participate in community projects.

Corrie says she sees no shortage of teenagers who want to be inspired and make the world better. But the Christianity some are taught doesn't inspire them "to change anything that's broken in the world."

Teens want to be challenged; they want their tough questions taken on, she says.

"We think that they want cake, but they actually want steak and potatoes, and we keep giving them cake," Corrie says.

David Wheaton, an Atlanta high school senior, says many of his peers aren't excited about Christianity because they don't see the payoff.

"If they can't see benefits immediately, they stay away from it," Wheaton says. "They don't want to make sacrifices."

How 'radical' parents instill religious passion in their children

Churches, not just parents, share some of the blame for teens' religious apathy as well, says Corrie, the Emory professor.

She says pastors often preach a safe message that can bring in the largest number of congregants. The result: more people and yawning in the pews.

"If your church can't survive without a certain number of members pledging, you might not want to preach a message that might make people mad," Corrie says. "We can all agree that we should all be good and that God rewards those who are nice."

Corrie, echoing the author of "Almost Christian," says the gospel of niceness can't teach teens how to confront tragedy.

"It can't bear the weight of deeper questions: Why are my parents getting a divorce? Why did my best friend commit suicide? Why, in this economy, can't I get the good job I was promised if I was a good kid?"

What can a parent do then?

Get "radical," Dean says.

She says parents who perform one act of radical faith in front of their children convey more than a multitude of sermons and mission trips.

A parent's radical act of faith could involve something as simple as spending a summer in Bolivia working on an agricultural renewal project or turning down a more lucrative job offer to stay at a struggling church, Dean says.

But it's not enough to be radical -- parents must explain "this is how Christians live," she says.

"If you don't say you're doing it because of your faith, kids are going to say my parents are really nice people," Dean says. "It doesn't register that faith is supposed to make you live differently unless parents help their kids connect the dots."

'They called when all the cards stopped'

Anne Havard, an Atlanta teenager, might be considered radical. She's a teen whose faith appears to be on fire.

Havard, who participated in the Emory program, bubbles over with energy when she talks about possibly teaching theology in the future and quotes heavy-duty scholars such as theologian Karl Barth.

She's so fired up about her faith that after one question, Havard goes on a five-minute tear before stopping and chuckling: "Sorry, I just talked a long time."

Havard says her faith has been nurtured by what Dean, the "Almost Christian" author, would call a significant faith community.

In 2006, Havard lost her father to a rare form of cancer. Then she lost one of her best friends -- a young woman in the prime of life -- to cancer as well. Her church and her pastor stepped in, she says.

"They called when all the cards stopped," she says.

When asked how her faith held up after losing her father and friend, Havard didn't fumble for words like some of the teens in "Almost Christian."

She says God spoke the most to her when she felt alone -- as Jesus must have felt on the cross.

"When Jesus was on the cross crying out, 'My God, why have you forsaken me?' Jesus was part of God,'' she says. "Then God knows what it means to doubt.

"It's OK to be in a storm, to be in a doubt," she says, "because God was there, too."

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Christian Rock Exposed


In 1971, the first Christian rock album was recorded, titled “Come to the Waters” by the group Children of the Day. Led by singer Marsha Stevens, her song “For Those Tears I Died” was the spark that ignited the CCM wildfire.

Dr. Mark Powell, author of An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music, writes, “[Marsha] certainly deserves to be known as ‘the mother of contemporary Christian music’”. (p.870) CCM’s “Mother” is also a militant lesbian. Marsha started the spiritually perverted group B.A.L.M. (Born Again Lesbian Music).


Another popular CCM group is King’s X. Despite the fact, that King’s X member Doug Pinnick is a proud homosexual, they are still romanced by the Christian world. Pinnick told Aquarian Weekly, in May 2000, “Yeah, I’m gay; big deal”. During Christian concerts, Pinnick proudly wore the homosexual trademark; “pink triangle”. Viciously denouncing Christianity, Pinnick told Metal Manaics:

I just finally kinda somehow weaned myself out of religion, out of the whole thing to the point I just do not believe in Christianity anymore at all. . . Why do people live their lives for God, wasting their lives. . .” (Metal Maniacs, Nov. 2000, p.78)
Even after Pinnick’s hate-filled attacks on Christianity and homosexual perversion, Dr. Powell, writes in An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music, “King’s X is one of the most popular and most highly respected Christian bands in the world. . .” (p.489) Popular CCM author, Mark Joseph incredibly calls Pinnick’s homosexual outing as a “courageous confession”!


The 1980’s were rocked and shocked by the Christian metal-glam rockers Stryper. Stryper pranced around wearing mascara, lip gloss, eye shadow, earrings, spandex and women’s hair styles, deliberately mocking 1 Cor. 6:9-10 (“effeminate. . . shall inherit the kingdom of God”). Stryper’s popularity and perversion of Christian music garnished a CCM-record-breaking, two platinum and four gold records!

Robert Sweet of Styrper, makes a startling admission about Christian rock in RIP magazine:

“As a matter of fact, the band was one thing that was making us turn and walk the opposite direction from Christianity. . . If you’re doing something you like doing, and God says not to do it then you’re not going to pay attention.”(RIP, April, 1987 p. 49)
Sweet knew Stryper and Christian rock was “the opposite direction from Christianity” and “God says not to do it”. Tim Gaines of Stryper, revealed to HM magazine,
“From the end of 1988 ‘til February of this year [1997], I was drunk every day.” (HM, Mar/Apr 97 #64, p.47)
For over three years while Stryper was performing Christian concerts, Tim Gaines was drunk every day!

Oz Fox of Stryper honestly says,

“To be honest, Stryper wasn’t what we should have been spiritually speaking... there was sin happening in the band. . . And the reason why it was happening is because we didn’t know the Lord like we should have.” (HM, Mar/Apr 97 #64, p.49)
Did I mention Stryper was one of the most popular bands in rock music history?


In 1995, shock waves shook the CCM planet. CCM’s queen-of-clean, Sandi Patti, confessed to committing adultery since 1991 with singer Don Peslis. And he was not her first. Christianity Today reports,

“According to several independent sources who at different times were aware of Patty’s activities, she took part in two extramarital relationships, in both cases with married men.” (Christianity Today, Sept. 11, 1995 p. 72)
During much of Sandi Patti’s CCM career, she was committing adultery with married men! When Sandi Patti came out on stage, giving testimony and singing for the Lord, she was committing adultery! Sandi soon divorced her husband and married her adulterous companion Peslis, even though her husband was willing to forgive her and restore their marriage.

PsychoHeresy Awareness writes, "Patty's rising popularity is indicative of the trashed condition of Christians who claim the name of Christ but will not follow the doctrines of the Bible. Marrying a partner in adultery does not make the relationship right. It constitutes a continual condition of disobedience to God. How does one repent of adultery while one continues in an ongoing relationship with a former accomplice in adultery?" (PsychoHeresy Awareness Letter, March-April 1998 pp.1,8).

By the way, Sandi is more popular than ever.

Proverbs 30:20 has Sandi’s name on it:

Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness.
Proverbs 30:20


One of CCM’s recent emerging stars was the dance-hip-hop group Raze. In 2001, Raze singer, founder and former dancer for Carman, Ja’ Marc Davis was arrested and charged with five counts of lewd molestation, three counts of rape by instrumentation and three counts of forcible sodomy. His three victims were ages 13 and 16 (2). Incredibly, much of the time Raze is singing for the Holy Lord Jesus, the lead singer has molested a 13-year-old girl!

Loudly testifying to CCM’s total lack of any Christian convictions, a few months after Davis was arrested for molesting a 13-year-old girl, the prestigious Dove awards honored Raze with two Dove Awards! Frank Breeden, president of the Gospel Music Association said, “If they [Raze] should win, it would go to them”. Breeden describes Davis’s child molestation, rape and sodomy charges as simply a “moral difficulty”. It is no wonder much of Christian music is wallowing in the moral and spiritual sewers because the leaders label child molestation as a “moral difficulty” and also honor the pervert with two Dove awards!


1994 was an unprecedented night at the famous Dove Awards. CCM superstar former Bill Gaither Trio Star, Michael English won an unbelievable, record-breaking, six Dove Awards! Just as unbelievable, less than 24 hours later, English called a press conference to confess an adulterous affair with Marabeth Jordon of the CCM group First Call. To make matters even worse, both were married and Jordon was pregnant with English’s illegitimate child.

Despite English’s highly publicized adultery, the very next year he won another Dove award for his recording with the Bill Gaither group! English soon filled the tabloids with such juicy slime as frequenting strip clubs; dating a stripper; being arrested for assault charges filed by his shacked-up girlfriend. During much of this open-sin-decadent time, English was still happily working within the CCM world. In 2000, English was arrested and pleaded guilty to 12 counts of illegally obtaining prescription painkillers. Despite his open rebellion, English can still be found performing Christian concerts, and for a while, even hosting the Michael English Show on TBN. English flippantly says of his drug addiction, forged prescriptions and arrest, “It was an innocent mistake. It could happen to anybody.”

Why air out all this dirty laundry infesting CCM? Because Christians need to wake up to the fruits of rock music. Rock music was born and bred with the seeds of rebellion. Calling it Christian and changing a few words will not transform the rebellious nature of rock music. The Encyclopaedia Britannica Yearbook for 1956 described rock’n roll as, “insistent savagery . . . deliberately competing with the artistic ideals of the jungle.”

Secular rocker Lita Ford got it right,

“Listen, rock’n roll ain’t church. It’s nasty business. You gotta be nasty too. If you’re goody, goody, you can’t sing or play it. . .” (Los Angeles Times, August 7, 1988)
Homosexual rock star David Bowie said,
Rock has always been the devil’s music. . . I believe rock and roll is dangerous . . . I feel we’re only heralding something even darker than ourselves.” (Rolling Stone, Feb. 12, 1976)

Clearly, the fruits of CCM stink with the stench of sin and rebellion of rock music.


After documenting the many sins polluting Christian rock, I always get the question, "But how will we reach our young people if we do not use Christian rock?" Barna Research Group prepared an extensive survey of Christian teenagers titled Third Millennium Teens Report. In the report they write (p. 68), “Among the surprises emerging from the research is that teenagers do not come to church because it has hot music.” In the report (p. 54), Barna constructed a list of “What Teenagers May Look For In a Church”. And out of 18 items on the list – at an insignificant number 14 was the type of music! Barna’s extensive report has an error rate of less than 5%. The “Great Drawing Card” of rock music is a myth! The evidence proves it is not true!

Undoubtedly, the most outspoken promoter of Christian rock is CCM artist Charlie Peacock. In his book, At The Crossroads, Peacock admits Christian rock is NOT reaching lost people! Peacock polled 35 popular CCM artists. He asked them “to estimate the number of letters received from non-Christians over the span of their careers”. Peacock writes, “. . . over 50% gave ten or fewer letters as their answer”. He adds, “. . . we must give serious consideration to the possibility that we’re producing very little evangelism and cultural penetration for the cause of Christ.” (Peacock, Charlie, At The Crossroads, p. 184) And may I remind you – that is from CCM’s greatest supporter!

Christian rock is not getting people saved!

It is spiritually blinding and perverting Christians!

CCM veteran Michael Card, warns about CCM,

“The direction and value system are getting worse faster than any of us can imagine.” (Christianity Today, May 20, 1996, p. 22)


CCM star, Jaci Velasquez’s starring role in the movie, Chasing Papi, confirms Card’s warning. Chicago Sun-Times, famed movie critic, Roger Ebert describes Chasing Papi, as a “. . .feature-length jiggle show with Charlie’s Angels transformed into Latina bimbos. . .” Ebert compares Chasing Papi to the nearly-nude magazine Maxim (Walmart removed Maxim for it’s filth). Papi, he writes, “. . would make your average Maxim reader feel right at home.” One scene in Chasing Papi, is the three women (including Jaci) hiding in Papi’s bedroom wearing very (very, very) skimpy red lingerie. When Papi appears they all lusciously pop-out. Ebert says the scene looks like “. . . a fashion show by Victoria’s Secret”. Another reviewer says Chasing Papi is “. . . as lubricious as a centerfold.” (Lubricious means sexual arousal or lustful)

Unbelievably, Velasquez tells CCM, "With my music and now this movie, I feel like I've been given a platform. More than ever, I want to use that platform to be authentic about my faith to people who may not know God. . ." How can anyone be "authentic about their faith" by appearing in a lustful, movie that is compared to a centerfold, wearing red skimpy lingerie in a man's bedroom? Can people really be that spiritually blind? Velasquez proudly tells CCM, after her concerts ". . . I always get letters saying, 'You dress too sexy. I was offended; I'm never taking my kid to your show again.'"


Another revealing testimony to the complete spiritual blindness of CCM is the unmasking of the gothic metal band Evanescence. Evanescence’s album Fallen was heavily marketed by the mega Christian music distributor Provident and it swiftly climbed to the Number One spot on Billboard’s Christian charts! Virtually overnight, Evanescence was the new “shining star” of the Christian Music world. But there was one little-bitty problem. . .

Evanescence is not a Christian band!

In Entertainment Weekly (April 18, 2003), Evanescence finally could no longer take it. The spiritual blindness of the Contemporary Christian Music world even baffled Evanescence! Guitarist Ben Moody flatly tells Entertainment Weekly,

“We’re actually high on the Christian charts, and I’m like, What the f*** are we even doing there?” (Entertainment Weekly, April 18, 2003, p. 41)
Yea, what are they doing there?

Here is how spiritually-blind, CCM magazine reviewed Evanescence’s Fallen:

“Evanescence’s unapologetic declaration of faith in songs like ‘Tourniquet’ and ‘Whisper’ have Christian message boards buzzing with commentary about the band’s seemingly brave ‘Jesus’ agenda.” (CCM, May 2003, p. 41)
Their “unapologetic declaration of faith”? Their brave “Jesus agenda”?

Let's take a look at some of Evanescence's lyrics. Let us examine their “unapologetic declaration of faith”:

In their song, Breathe No More, they openly sing, ". . . I've come to believe my souls on the other side".

Breathe No More - Evanescence (Fallen)

I've been looking in the mirror for so long.
That I've come to believe my souls on the other side. . .
And I bleed, I bleed, . . .
Convince me that I've been sick forever.
Bring Me To Life - Evanescence (Fallen)
How can you see into my eyes. . .
Without a soul
my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold . . .
Save me.
Call my name and save me from the dark.
Wake me up.
Bid my blood to run. . .
Everybody's Fool - Evanescence (Fallen)
Lost in your lies . . .
I know the truth now
I know who you are. . .
Never was and never will be
Not for real that you can save me
And somehow now you're everybody's fool
In Farther Away, Evanescene sings, "I sold my soul just to hide the light!" To a Christian - the Light is the Lord Jesus Christ (John 8:12). "And now I see what I really am - A thief, A WHORE and a liar". Is this the kind of music our Christian youth should be listening to? Would anyone, with ANY spiritual discernment, possibly believe this is Bible-Believing Christian music?
Farther Away - Evanescence (Fallen)
I sold my soul just to hide the light.
And now I see what I really am,
A thief a whore, and a liar.
Hello - Evanescence (Fallen)
Don't try to fix me
I'm not broken
Hello, I'm the lie living for you so you can hide...
In their song Imaginary, even throws in a little wicca, pagan, new-age doctrine with "the goddess of imaginary light"
Imaginary - Evanescence (Fallen)
Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
The goddess of imaginary light
My Last Breath - Evanescence (Fallen)
Closing your eyes
You pray your dreams will leave you here,
But still you wake and know the truth -
No one's there.
Say goodnight, don't be afraid
Calling me, holding me, as you fade to black.
In their song Whisper, Evanescence sings the "this truth drives me into madness" and "fallen angels at my feet" who "whisper voices at my ear. Death before my eyes". Who, with any real Christian spiritual discernment, could honestly recommend and endorse this to our Christian young people?
Whisper - Evanescence (Fallen)
No one's here and I fall into myself
This truth drive me
Into madness
I know I can stop the pain. . .
Fallen angels at my feet
Whispered voices at my ear
Death before my eyes
"truth drive me into madness. . ."?

How different from the words of the Lord Jesus. Jesus says in John 8:32, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"

How in the world, can ANYONE possibly believe this is Christian music?

In the song Tourniquet, Evanescence sings a haunting, dark, gothic, blasphemous cry mocking salvation. They even toss in the title "Christ". says of Tourniquet: "The question of whether God is listening or even there at all is brought up throughout the song,. . ." ( And this is a Christian message?

Tourniquet - Evanescence (Fallen)
Am I too lost to be saved ?. . .
My God! My Tourniquet,
Return to me salvation. . .
Lost for so long.
Will you be on the other side ?
Will you forgive me ? . . .
My soul cries, for deliverance.
Will I be denied ?
Christ! Tourniquet! My suicide.
And CCM magazine praises this wickedness for their “unapologetic declaration of faith” and their “brave ‘Jesus’ agenda”! How can anyone possibly be that spiritually blind?

No wonder Singer Amy Lee also tells Entertainment Weekly, “I guarantee that if the Christian bookstore owners LISTENED to some of those songs, they wouldn’t sell the CD."

Now what does that testify to the spiritual discernment of the Contemporary Christian Music world? Compare CCM's misleading "brave 'Jesus' agenda" and "unapologetic declaration of faith" review of Fallen to MTV's review of Fallen:

"Sounds Like: Exactly how they look: dark, eerie, and unabashedly rocking. . . "
MTV's review of Fallen
(, emphasis added)
Here's how's describes Fallen:
"When one looks longs into the darkness, it stares into the depths of your soul as well. This abysmal introspection builds the beautiful ruins of truth. Just such a stark glory is what shines in the band Evanescence. . . pristine vocals soar over emotional, ethereal instrumentals ranging from the soft and sorrowful to the dark, heavy melees of aggression. . .Evanescence is not brutal, but is darkly heavy."

What's the difference? The secular world is simply listening to the music and making an honest evaluation. And the CCM crowd, as Evanescence's lead singer told Entertainment Weekly, "There are people hell-bent on the idea that we're a Christian band in disguise, and that we have some secret message,"

She got that right! They are "HELL bent". There is no way the Holy Spirit of God EVER lead anyone to recommend Evanescence to Christian young people! Not in a million years!

In Matthew 13:15, the Lord Jesus Christ describes some people whose "heart is waxed gross" and their ears are "dull of hearing". They hear it, but because of the deception in their heart, they can no longer hear the truth. A perfect description of many in Contemporary Christian Music. They are so caught up in rock music, they are not spiritually capable of hearing the truth.

For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
Matthew 13:15


When Elvis and the Beatles first appeared, the secular world was shocked as teenage girls screamed in lustful affection for their gods. Shout! magazine (Dec.1995, p.35) says of Carman, “...just the mention of his name brings excitement to throngs of fans, many of whom are women.”

Carman tells Shout, "I don't know what I do to attract women, I'm just trying to do what God told me to do long ago - bring the gospel to the world."

Yea. . . Right. . .

The Minneapolis Star Tribune in an article titled "Is he Elvis? Is he John Travolta? Nope. He's Carman", describes a sensual, carnal and ungodly Carman concert as:

"On his toes, he's a deep-voiced Elvis, swiveling his hips until the pointed-finger disco of 'Saturday Night Fever' kicks in, and he's suddenly John Travolta with a Bee Gees shrill. He raps, he rocks, he line dances. . ."
(Minneapolis Star Tribune, Is he Elvis? Is he John Travolta? Nope. He's Carman, 09-13-1996, p. 01E)

For some strange reason, I do not think swiveling your hips, rapping, rocking, line dancing, Elvis and John Travolta impersonations is what the Lord Jesus had in mind when He said in Mark 16:15, ". . . Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel. . ."

To no great surprise, Carman's "The Official R.I.O.T. Tourbook" lists Carman's Dream duet with none other than sex-symbol-heartthrob - Tom Jones!

An "enlightening" display of irony occurred when Carman printed his back page ad for "Halloween 3:16" in the Oct. 29, 1998 "Life" section of USA Today. It seems there was a slight typographical error. . . The ad stated referring to Carman - "See Him live." (See image at RIGHT)The "h" in "him" was "capitalized". To capitalize a "pronoun" (other than the beginning of a sentence) is to emphasize deity or God! The capitalization of a pronoun is reserved for God ONLY!

Sound familiar? It was the same lie Satan told Eve in Genesis 3:5, ". . .and ye shall be as gods. . ."

According to CCM (CCM, December 1998, p.24) this little typo cost Carman $300,000.

Carman’s Resurrection Rap video is some of the worst blasphemy I have ever witnessed. The video has the Lord Jesus Christ as a confused street hippie, the Pharisees and apostles are black street gang members. The crucifixion takes place, not on Calvary — but in a back alley gang fight. The body of the Lord Jesus is thrown into a garbage dumpster!


Dallas Morning News, (April 27, 1996), describes a dcTalk concert, “As teenagers’ shrieks filled the Dallas Convention Center moments before dc Talk took the stage Friday night, one of the relatively few grown-ups in the sold-out crowd observed, ‘This is just like the Beatles.’”

The secular rocker Kurt Cobain is among rock’s worst antichrist. Cobain went around his neighborhood spray-painting, “ABORT CHRIST” and “GOD IS GAY”. (Des Barres, Pamela, Rock Bottom, pp.54-55) The CCM group dcTalk pays homage to antichrist Cobain by singing his song “All Apologies” in their concerts! Toby McKeehan of dc Talk, told USA Today, “Sometimes, being labeled a Christian band, we consider that a negative. . .”

A reporter for the San Diego North Country Reader, (Feb. 29, 1996), covering a dcTalk concert writes,

“. . . we both laughed during the buildup for the encore of “Purple Haze/Jesus Freak” as several young booty shakers cried, almost in unison, ‘These guys are the sh**, man.’”
Another undeniable testimony to the rotten, vulgar fruit of Christian rock – young people spewing profanity!


CCM even has their own “sex-symbol-boy-bands”. CCM (June 2000) writes of Plus One,

Following in the footsteps of ‘NSync, Backstreet Boys. . . The men are already Christian music’s latest sex symbols, with excitable teen girls doing what excitable teen girls do — screaming their adoration and begging for tokens of love.”
True Tunes describes a Plus One sex-symbol-show, “Suddenly, they appear. . . Girls scream. . . The silk robes are dropped to reveal sleek wardrobes. The female population of the audience is now screaming at a deafening pitch.”
And what about 2 Timothy 2:22 — “Flee also youthful lusts: . .”

CCM performer, Michael Card, tells Christianity Today (May 20, 1996 p. 22), “Now, the industry is celebrity-driven. The song is almost irrelevant. The focus is on the person, and songs have become disposable.”


Do you know this CCM-man-worship is abomination to the Lord? Luke 16:15 says, “. . . that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God”? Do you realize, that according to the Lord Jesus, Satan’s goal is to uplift man? Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6:23, “. . . Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.”

Could there possibly be any clearer proof of the real “god” of Christian Rock?


The award for the most nauseating display of spiritual blindness easily goes to Jody Davis of the Newsboys. Davis says of their album, Love Liberty Disco,

Back in the 70’s when disco originated, the people who were into that would go to these clubs looking for love and acceptance. That’s something we have in the Church...” (Release, April/May 2000, p. 24)

Discos were homosexual hell-holes of filth and perversion. Here is how secular writers describe “discos”:

Disco music is a “call for gays to come out of the closet.” (Newsweek, April 2, 1979 p. 63)
“For the heyday of disco was also the heyday of recklessness in the gay male life-style. . . it cannot be denied that many gay men saw disco as the theme music of their collective orgy…” (Hole in our Soul, p.281)
“A 1980 handbook for would-be disco proprietors, describes discos as a pleasure palace where the public can ‘abandon themselves to the tidal wave of raw animal emotions that engulfs them’” (Ibid, p.281)
And Davis of the Newsboys likens the homosexual disco to the church!


Fanny Crosby is the greatest hymn writer that ever lived, writing over 9,000 songs! Before Fanny got saved, at 45 years old, she wrote many secular songs. But after she got saved - things were different. . . Here's what Fanny said about mixing Christian and worldly music:

"Sometimes I need to reject the music proposed for my songs because the musicians misunderstand that the Fanny Crosby who once wrote for the people in the saloons has merely changed the lyrics. Oh my no. The church must never sing it's songs to the melodies of the world."
- Fanny Crosby
And do you know why Fanny Crosby said that - because Fanny got saved! And God "hath put a NEW SONG in my mouth, even PRAISE unto our God" inside the NEW Fanny Crosby! Fanny Crosby wrote over 9,000 songs to the Lord! Fanny used over 200 different pen names because she wanted to make sure God got the glory and not her.

Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
Sing, O Earth, His wonderful love proclaim!
Hail Him! Hail Him! Highest archangels in Glory;
Strength and honor give to His holy name!
Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children,
In His arms He carries them all day long;
Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His excellant greatness;
Praise Him! Praise Him! Ever in joyful song!

-- Fanny J. Crosby

There is no such thing as “Christian” rock music. Just as there is no such thing as “Christian adultery” or “Christian homosexuality”. When it is rock, it is not Christian. There is only one “Christian rock” and “THAT ROCK WAS CHRIST” (1 Cor 10:4).

“For their rock is not as our Rock, . . .”
Deuteronomy 32:31

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Former Spanish PM: If Israel goes down, we all go down - Haaretz Daily Newspaper * Israel News

By Haaretz Service

Former Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar announced recently that he planned to promote a new initiative which would defend Israel's right to exist, as "if Israel goes down, we all go down," the former premier wrote in London newspaper The Times on Thursday.

"Israel is our first line of defense in a turbulent region that is constantly at risk of descending into chaos," Aznar wrote, adding that "to abandon Israel to its fate, at this moment of all moments, would merely serve to illustrate how far we have sunk and how inexorable our decline now appears."

The Friends for Israel initiative will include prominent political figures and academics such as Irish Nobel Prize laureate David Trimble (Irish Nobel Prize laureate and a panel member in Israel's internal investigation into the Gaza flotilla raid), Andrew Roberts (British hostorian) John Bolton (former United States Ambassador to the United Nations), Alejandro Toledo (the former President of Peru), Marcello Pera (philosopher and former President of the Italian Senate), Fiamma Nirenstein (the Italian author and politician), the financier Robert Agostinelli and the Catholic intellectual George Weigel, Aznar wrote in The Times.

Spain and Israel established diplomatic relations in 1975, however the ties between the two countries have not always been strong. In 2006, following the Second Lebanon War, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero accused Israel of "abusive force" which Israel strongly condemned.

Israel's envoy to Spain said at the time that the two countries' relations had been damaged after the Spanish prime minister's speech, during which he wore a Palestinian scarf. Spain's Jewish community accused Zapatero of being anti-Semitic, however tensions have since eased.

"In the wake of the recent incident on board a ship full of anti-Israeli activists in the Mediterranean, it is hard to think of a more unpopular cause to champion." Aznar wrote of his initiative which aims to support Israel despite the onslaught of criticism over a recent Israeli raid on a Freedom Flotilla headed to Gaza, in which nine activists were killed. " In an ideal world, no state, let alone a recent ally of Israel such as Turkey, would have sponsored and organized a flotilla whose sole purpose was to create an impossible situation for Israel: making it choose between giving up its security policy and the naval blockade, or risking the wrath of the world."

Aznar went on to state that Israel's right to exist should not be questioned as it was established by a United Nations decision, and added that as a nation with "deeply rooted democratic institutions," Israel is the only Western country that exists under constant threat of attack, whether it be from its neighboring countries or Iran.

"The real threats to regional stability," Azner wrote, "are to be found in the rise of a radical Islamism which sees Israel’s destruction as the fulfillment of its religious destiny and, simultaneously in the case of Iran, as an expression of its ambitions for regional hegemony. Both phenomena are threats that affect not only Israel, but also the wider West and the world at large."

Azner stressed, however, that the initiative would not defend any specific Israeli policies, but rather "what binds us is our unyielding support for Israel’s right to exist and to defend itself."

The former Spanish premier ended his opinion by highlighting Israel's central role in defining the West and said that "the West is what it is thanks to its Judeo-Christian roots. If the Jewish element of those roots is upturned and Israel is lost, then we are lost too. Whether we like it or not, our fate is inextricably intertwined." - Eating At The Devil’s Table by David J. Stewart - Eating At The Devil’s Table by David J. Stewart

Israel To Receive Temple Mount | Before It's News

Israel To Receive Temple Mount | Before It's News

Saturday, March 20, 2010

For All The Saints

A small tribute to the Christian martyrs of the early centuries.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Vatican Hit By Gay Sex Scandal

The Vatican has been thrown into chaos by reports that one of the Pope's ceremonial ushers, as well as a member of the elite Vatican choir, were involved in a homosexual prostitution ring.

The allegations came to light after Italian newspapers published transcripts of phone calls recorded by police, who had been conducting an unrelated corruption investigation.

The tapes appear to record Angelo Balducci, a Gentleman of His Holiness, negotiating with Thomas Chinedu Ehiem, a 29-year-old Nigerian Vatican chorister, about men he wanted brought to him for sexual purposes. Balducci was allegedly paying 2,000 euros ($2,714) for each man he met, according to the Irish Times.

Balducci is recorded describing precise physical details of the men he wanted. The transcripts record that during five months in 2008, Ehiem procured for Balducci at least 10 contacts with, among others, "two black Cuban lads," a former male model from Naples, and a rugby player from Rome.

A report by the Italian Carabinieri on the case said: "In order to organize casual encounters of a sexual nature, he availed himself of the intercession of two individuals who, it is maintained, may form part of an organized network, especially active in [Rome], of exploiters or at least facilitators of male prostitution."

The police probe into corruption resulted in Balducci and 4 others being arrested. Allegations of prostitution were only revealed later, and have resulted in Ehiem's dismissal from the Vatican choir.

Balducci held a high position within the Vatican and carried the coffin of Pope John Paul at his 2005 funeral. He has now lost his position as a Gentleman of the Holiness. His trial for corruption is still pending.
Story continues below

The Catholic Church has weathered a storm of controversy in recent years over allegations of sexual abuse by its members. Whilst homosexuality is not outright condemned within the Church, it is taught that homosexual acts are "are intrinsically disordered."

Hitler Abortion Poster Sparks Outrage In Poland

Polish anti-abortion group Fundacja Pro have launched a new campaign with a somewhat controversial tactic - combining pictures of Adolf Hitler and a bloody fetus, with the slogan "Abortion for Poles: introduced by Hitler, March 9, 1943."

That Poland, a devoutly Catholic country, already has fairly strict abortion laws seems to have not quelled the fears of the pro-life group behind the poster. Instead, the poster is designed to remind the country of forced abortions performed by Nazis in World War II.

"It is our duty to fight for the rights of murdered children," Mariusz Dzierzawski, a campaign organizer, told Reuters. "Abortion is a crime and drawing such a parallel is absolutely justified."

Others disagreed. "This is sick... Fascism, Stalinism... prohibited abortion, often on pain of death, so bans on abortion are strongly linked to totalitarianism," said Magdalena Sroda, a professor of ethics specializing in gender issues who argued that the poster was hypocritical.

Politicians may not have disagreed with the message, but the medium was a sore point. "I understand that this campaign is designed to shock but there are limits to the use of shock," said Elzbieta Streker-Dembinska, a member of the Polish parliament's health committee.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Mark Of The Beast 666

Never before in man's history has the world witnessed the emergance of a technology that could very well fullfill a 2,000 year old prophecy made by a man (prophet of GOD) named John in the book of Revelation. This mark will go IN the right hand or IN the forhead (according to King James Bible) newer versions are claiming the mark goes ON. From my research King James translation is more accurate and has not been tampered with. This mark will give allegience to the antichrist and a person will not be able to BUY or SELL without the mark. I along with many Christians believe (but will not be 100% sure until it happens) that this technology will be forced on the world population. This technology can also control brainwave activity hence controling mind/thoughts/actions. Satan wants to turn the human population into robots, human cyborgs. DO NOT take this technology for ANY reason. All who accept the mark when it is forced by the antichrist (world dictator) will be automatically giving their souls up and will go to hell....DO NOT take the mark of beast! Fairuse Copyright Act of 1976

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Called to Suffer and Rejoice

Persecution in India: Francis' Response from Cornerstone Church on Vimeo.

Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I do my share on behalf of his body (which is the church) in filling up that which is lacking in Christ's afflictions. Of this church I was made a minister according to the stewardship from God bestowed on me for your benefit, that I might fully carry out the preaching of the word of God, that is, the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations; but has now been manifested to his saints, to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. And we proclaim him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, that we may present every man complete in Christ. And for this purpose also I labor, striving according to his power, which mightily works within me. (Colossians 1:24-29)

Persecution in India: Unedited Footage from Cornerstone Church on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

For The Record : Public School Is Evil

"For The Record" is brought to you by the Domestic Emergency Network (DEN), the free market response to FEMA. To apply for membership, visit

Friday, January 8, 2010

Joel Osteen Blesses Houston's New (Gay) Mayor Annise Parker

Annise Parker, the newly-elected happens-to-be-lesbian mayor of Houston was sworn in Monday and the opening prayer was given by ... Rev. Joel Osteen.

Is your head spinning? Osteen heads the nation's most mega of evangelical non-denominational megachurches, Lakewood Church in Houston where about 45,000 people cycle through a revamped sports stadium for services every weekend.

Osteen has been all over telling folks (Larry King, Whoopi Goldberg) for years that homosexuality is not "God's best." I presume he means "God's best choice" because otherwise I'm lost in the dropped or implied rest of the sentence. But "God's best" is phrase Osteen never finishes so I'm just guessing.

Yet, Osteen hasn't joined the more strident wing of the religious right in damning gays. Indeed, Osteen takes heat from other evangelicals who condemn him for not laying down a line of fire about sin of any kind. That's not his style, says the preacher known for his broad smile and sermons that God wants you to be happy. Osteen's best seller was titled, Your Best Life Now.

Now (hat tip to Mark Silk for pointing me to the Box Turtle Bulletin) writer Timothy Kincaid suggests to his gay readership that they look at Osteen more fully and fairly. Kincaid's post (which carries a disclaimer that others on the staff of the webzine don't necessarily agreed) says:

I think it would be useful for our community to adopt a more nuanced view of religious leaders. By doing so, we might find ourselves with unexpected allies.

Joel Osteen does not agree with my understanding of Scripture; but his disagreement does not make him a hater or a bigot. And I recognize the value in having a lesbian politician -- elected despite her opponent's religion-based homophobic campaign -- being given blessing by the pastor of the largest congregation in the nation.

Does this change your idea of Osteen? For better or for worse?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Obama to Jane Sturm: Hey, take a pill

Jane asks the President if her 100 year old mother (now 105) would have gotten a pacemaker under his plan. Well now that's a tough one ... that costs a lot and maybe we will have to say, just take a pill. Priceless.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Alex Jones discusses Secret Society depopulation scheme with Jesse Ventura

'Conspiracy Theory' authority Alex Jones explains the motives for and inner-workings towards a depopulation scheme that aims to eliminate some 80%+ of the current human population. Powerful globalists inside the Bilderberg group, along with the Big Pharma, Big Agra and vaccine cartels are working towards lowering sterility and attacking the immune system...

Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv 2/4 "Obamageddon!!"

Alex welcomes back to the show Gerald Celente, trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author who makes predictions about the global financial markets and other events of historical importance. Celente accurately forecasted the 1987 stock market crash, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the 1997 Asian currency crash and the 2007 subprime mortgage scandal. More recent forecasts involve fascism in the United States, food riots and tax revolts. He describes the emerging crisis as "Obamageddon."

Drunk Christians at New Years Nashville 2010?

Preachers John McGlone, Kerrigan Skelly and Tracy Bays descend upon the drunk hypocrites at Nashville's Hard Rock New Year 2010 foolishness. When will America repent?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Surviving Hitler's Hell

Anita Dittman was a child when Hitler took over Germany. Her life and family were torn apart as she found her mother taken away to a concentration camp and Anita herself faced starvation, illness, assault and a labor camp. Anita was hours from being exterminated when she escaped from her labor camp and set out on a journey to find her mother. This is the remarkable testimony of how Anita came to surrender her life to Jesus Christ as a youth and survived the Nazi Holocaust through a series of miracles and divine protection. Anita believes that America is going down a dangerous road that looks all too familiar to what she witnessed in Germany. This DVD is must viewing for every student and adult. Your faith will be strengthened and you will clearly see that ideas have consequences, your worldview matters and that God will sustain us through His grace and for His honor and glory even in perilous times and even in the face of death. Anita's story reveals that even when the Church appears to lose, Christ wins. Distributed by

Obama is about to formally surrender US Sovereignty

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Obama is about to formally surrender US Sovereignty

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Its time to stand up America go to and click on the primary challenge and learn what we the people can do to take back America.

Contact your representatives regularly, give them a piece of your mind! Tell them to read the constitution and obey it. You can find your representatives here -

The Grave Influence of Saul Alinksy - Brannon Howse

Watch this new video clip of Brannon Howse speaking on Saul Alinsky, the Cloward-Piven strategy, and the neo-Marxist revolution taking place in America. Alinsky is one of the radicals Brannon Howse exposes in his new book, Grave Influence: 21 Radicals and Their Worldviews That Rule America From The Grave.