Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Eugenics Mindset Lives

Todd Friel On The Eugenics Mindset ...

WARNING: This post has very disturbing content.


If you thought eugenics permanently lost its luster after World War II, this will be a rude awakening.

Blogged-out Saturday was interrupted because of a startling item that was in Best of the Web at yesterday. I missed it in the skim-through because the segment title (”Swift Note Veterans Against Youth”) gave little indication of what it was really about (HTs to FreeRepublic andWorld Net Daily).

This is what it’s about: On January 6, 1993 (the letter’s 1992 date is a clear typo), Ron Weddington, who along with his wife Sarah represented “Jane Roe,” now known to be Norma McCorvey, in the Roe v. Wade case that legalized abortion through the US, wrote a letter to soon-to-be President Clinton advising him to liberalize abortion laws in the name of what can only be seen as eugenics.

The letter reveals so much about the actual mental outlook of one of the proabortion movement’s leading lights that commenting on the horrors contained herein is unnecessary.

The documents below were obtained by Judicial Watch and published in a 5-meg PDF documentcalled “The RU-486 Files” (what is presented here is at the report’s final five pages). Though not at this blog, I have criticized Judicial Watch frequently in the past for being unfocused and publicity-hungry. Though I think those criticisms remain valid, I have to acknowledge that what they have unearthed is monstrously important (literally), and to congratulate them for including it in their report.

The first note is to Mr. Clinton’s assistant, Betsey Wright, who wrote an instruction to file it. That’s important to note, because although there is no direct indication that anyone in the Clinton Administration shared Mr. Weddington’s views, neither did they dismiss him out of hand as an outlier.

That is followed by a four-page letter to Mr. Clinton.





Saturday, January 24, 2009


Curtis takes you from the suites to the streets. How can the Notorious B.I.G be viewed as a hero, an icon when he was a thug?!?! Selling crack, preaching crime, beating women and the list continues. Curtis brings his street smarts to the issue.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President's inauguration Invocation by Dr Rick Warren... Oh Boy!!!

Rick Warren has delivered the inaugural invocation, saying Barack Obama's election as the nation's first black president represents a pivotal point in history.

Calling America a "land of unequaled possibility," Warren's prayer invoked the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr. and asked that Americans remember they are united by a commitment to freedom and justice for all.

The "conservative evangelical" is considered perhaps the nation's most influential pastor. His "Purpose Driven Life" books and lectures have made his Saddleback Church in California among the largest in the country.

But his selection to give the invocation sparked protests from the gay community and liberal groups, because of his support of a California ballot measure banning gay marriage.

Well it turns out they had nothing to worried about...

Barack Obama Becomes President, Pro-Life Advocates Predict More Abortions

Washington, DC ( -- As Barack Obama becomes president and national policy turns 180 degrees on abortion, leading pro-life advocates are saddened by the increase in abortions they expect under his presidency. The increase won't happen entirely on American soil as money heads out tomorrow for foreign abortions.

Gary Bauer, the head of the pro-life group American Values says it won't take 24 hours for Obama to expose how is mantra of change and claims of wanting to reduce abortions is corrupt.

"The fact is that before this week is over, President Obama will start making decisions, and those decisions will expose his rhetoric about uniting us for what it is," he said.

"Top officials have told us that within hours of taking office, President Obama will reverse Bush executive orders and force all of us to pay for abortions not only in the U.S., but around the world," Bauer told in an email. "Those of us who believe in the dignity, value and worth of every human life from the womb to natural death will not be silenced."

"Soon the new president will start nominating federal judges. He has made it clear they will be leftist judges [who will be] pro-abortion," Bauer continued.

Despite the sad news, Bauer says pro-life advocates need to organize and re-energize for the battles ahead.

"I know many of you are feeling down and depressed. Snap out of it," he said. "Thank God we live in a free country. Join the debate. Take your stand. The days ahead will be challenging, but our values are worth fighting for."

Mathew Staver, the founder of the pro-life Liberty Counsel law firm, also weighed in on the coming Obama administration.

"Obama's inauguration is sandwiched between two other important days in American history: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and the 36th Anniversary of the Supreme Court’s abortion decision in Roe v. Wade," he said. "As this Nation celebrates its progress made in regard to racial equality, the struggle to protect innocent human life just became more intense."

He said Obama appears to be ignoring his concept of unity by making people pay for the destruction of human life.

"Obama has indicated that he will allow federal dollars to fund abortion and embryonic stem cell research, thereby providing federal dollars to create and destroy human life. As a result, your tax dollars will be used to destroy innocent human life," he said.

The new president has already compiled a pro-abortion record with his key appointments to top administration positions.

Obama is expected to expand on that by funding international abortions, funding the UNFPA, an agency complicit in the China forced abortion family program, and overturning President Bush's protections for medical centers and staff.

Obama may also sign the Freedom of Choice Act -- a radical bill that would make unlimited abortion throughout pregnancy the national law and overturn hundreds of pro-life state laws nationwide.

Obama attacks Christianity and its place in America

As if Barack Obama’s problems with racism, anti-Americanism, and his radical socialist policies weren’t enough to scare off voters, now he’s attacking Christians and the place of Christianity in American government.

JERUSALEM – Some have been taking issue with largely unnoticed comments made last year by Sen. Barack Obama declaring the U.S. is “no longer a Christian nation” but is also a nation of others, including Muslims and nonbelievers.

The comments have been recently recirculating on Internet blogs.

“Whatever we once were, we’re no longer a Christian nation. At least not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, and a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers,” Obama said during a June 2007 speech available on YouTube.

At the speech, Obama also seemingly blasted the “Christian Right” for hijacking religion and using it to divide the nation:

“Somehow, somewhere along the way, faith stopped being used to bring us together and started being used to drive us apart. It got hijacked. Part of it’s because of the so-called leaders of the Christian Right, who’ve been all too eager to exploit what divides us,” he said.

Asked last year to clarify his remarks, Obama repeated them to the Christian Broadcast Network:

“I think that the right might worry a bit more about the dangers of sectarianism. Whatever we once were, we’re no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers,” Obama wrote in an e-mail to CBN News senior national correspondent David Brody.

“We should acknowledge this and realize that when we’re formulating policies from the state house to the Senate floor to the White House, we’ve got to work to translate our reasoning into values that are accessible to every one of our citizens, not just members of our own faith community,” wrote Obama.

Obama claims we are not just a Christian nation but also a Muslim nation, a Hindu nation, and a non-believing nation. This shows a disturbing lack of judgement and knowledge on the part of Barack Obama. It’s true that the population of our country is made up of all sorts of people with different religious beliefs. Our nation itself, however, was founded on Christian principles and that foundation must remain in place.

Barack Obama clearly identifies that he is not just talking about the population of America and the various beliefs that exist. He is talking about the American government itself as he identifies that laws should be made based on all of these various beliefs. This is multi-cultural madness and an attempt to destroy the very foundation of our republic!

I believe American Democracy demands a Creator. I also know the evidence for our Christian heritage is everywhere you look! Whether it’s found on our monuments, our currency, in our pledge of allegiance, or the recorded words of our founders and other historical documents it’s very obvious to all.

In God we trust. The inscription on our money does not read, “in a god we trust.” One nation under God. Our pledge of allegiance does not say, “one nation under the gods.” So who is this God? He is the God of the Bible.

“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions but on the gospel of Jesus Christ.” -Patrick Henry

This fact must be taken into account by our leaders in Washington! Senator Barack Obama would instead give the tenets of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, Atheism, and other world religions equal considerations when governing our nation. That should bother everyone who loves America and is well versed in the history and traditions of this blessed nation.

By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

President Barack Obama 2009 Inauguration and Address... So Help Us God!

Finally, A Celebrity Who Tells It Like It Is...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Warren's Inauguration Prayer Could Draw More Ire

President-elect Barack Obama's choice of Rick Warren to deliver the inaugural invocation drew one kind of protest. Whether the evangelical pastor offers the prayer in the name of Jesus may draw another. At George W. Bush's 2001 swearing-in, the Revs. Franklin Graham and Kirbyjon Caldwell were criticized for invoking Christ. The distinctly Christian reference at a national civic event offended some, and even prompted a lawsuit.

Warren did not answer directly when asked whether he would dedicate his prayer to Jesus. In a statement Tuesday to The Associated Press, Warren would say only that, "I'm a Christian pastor so I will pray the only kind of prayer I know how to pray."

"Prayers are not to be sermons, speeches, position statements nor political posturing. They are humble, personal appeals to God," Warren wrote. His spokesman would not elaborate.

Evangelicals generally expect their clergymen to use Jesus' name whenever and wherever they lead prayer. Many conservative Christians say cultural sensitivity goes way too far if it requires religious leaders to hide their beliefs.

"If Rick Warren does not pray in Jesus' name, some folks are going to be very disappointed," Caldwell said in a recent phone interview. "Since he's evangelical, his own tribe, if you will, will have some angst if he does not do that."

Advocates for gay rights protested Obama's decision to give Warren a prominent role at the swearing-in. The California megachurch founder supported Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in his home state. Obama defended his choice, saying he wanted the event to reflect diverse views and insisting he remains a "fierce advocate" of equal rights for gays.

The Rev. Joseph Lowery, a United Methodist who is considered the dean of the civil rights movement, said he hasn't yet written the benediction for the Jan. 20 ceremony. But he said "whatever religion the person represents, I think he has a right to be true to his religion."

Caldwell, also a Methodist, said no one from the Bush team told him what to say in his 2001 and 2005 benedictions.

The Houston pastor said he had "no intention whatsoever of offending" people when he quoted from Philippians and delivered the 2001 prayer "in the name that's above all other names, Jesus the Christ." In 2005, he still prayed in Jesus' name, but added the line, "respecting persons of all faiths." In the 2008 election, Caldwell supported Obama.

Franklin Graham, son of evangelist Billy Graham, who was a presence at presidential inaugurations for several decades, said it's wrong to expect members of any faith to change how they pray in public.

"For a Christian, especially for an evangelical pastor, the Bible teaches us that we are to pray in the name of Jesus Christ. How can a minister pray any other way?" Franklin Graham said. "If you don't want someone to pray in Jesus' name, don't invite an evangelical minister."

Graham, who in 2001 stepped in for his ailing father, ended the invocation with, "We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit."

The lawsuit, which claimed that inaugural prayer was an unconstitutional endorsement of religion, failed in federal court. It had been filed by atheist Michael Newdow, who separately sued to remove the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance.

Billy Graham, now 90, didn't say Jesus' name during presidential inaugurations, but made obvious references to Christ.

At Richard Nixon's 1969 swearing-in, Graham prayed "in the Name of the Prince of Peace who shed His blood on the Cross that men might have eternal life." In 1997, for Bill Clinton's inaugural, Graham prayed "in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."

Leaders of other traditions with experience in interfaith work said they respected Christians who felt strongly that they should pray in Christ's name.

But they argued that a request for some modification is reasonable for a presidential inauguration, considering it's an event representing all Americans.

Imam Yahya Hendi, a Muslim chaplain at Georgetown University who travels to Muslim countries on behalf of the State Department, said that at interfaith events, he refers to Allah, or God, as "almighty creator of us all."

Rabbi Burt Visotzky, a professor at the Jewish Theological Seminary, the flagship institution of Conservative Judaism, said he invokes "God" for interfaith prayer.

"I know that for Christians, Jesus is part of their Trinity," said Visotzky, who has taught at Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and at Protestant seminaries in the U.S. "For me as a Jew, hearing the name of a first-century rabbi isn't the worst thing in the world, but it's not my God."

Here's a video with Todd Friel on The Prayer That Should Be Prayed At The Inauguration...

President Bush Will Leave Strong Pro-Life Legacy on Abortion, Bioethics Issues

Washington, DC ( -- Americans may have their dispute with President Bush on other political issues and those disputes may have led them to support pro-abortion Barack Obama for president. But top pro-life leaders say Bush will leave behind a very strong and lasting legacy as a champion of the pro-life cause.

During his administration, President Bush saw abortions decline to historic lows and he made history himself by signing the first measure to ever ban a form of abortion.

Every pro-life leader contacted showered Bush with words of praise.

"President Bush's conviction that innocent human life deserves respect in law and culture runs deep," Concerned Women for America president Wendy Wright said.

"From signing pro-life laws, instituting pro-life regulations, to promoting pro-life international policies, he faced vicious opposition yet did not relent. Bureaucrats worked to undermine and thwart his policies, sometimes working hand-in-hand with pro-abortion groups and hostile media. But he was not deterred," she said.

Bill Donohue, the head of the Catholic League, agreed.

"George W. Bush will be remembered as doing more to build a culture of life than any president," he told

"From embryonic stem cell research and cloning to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act and partial-birth abortion, George W. Bush has been the pro-life community’s best friend," he explained.

The president demonstrated his pro-life commitment on his first day in office when he reinstituted the Mexico City Policy that stops taxpayer funding of groups that promote or perform abortions in other nations. Later he extended that policy further to prevent pro-abortion funding within all State Department programs.

He also cut off funding for the UNFPA, a United Nations agency found to have been involved in supporting and working with Chinese family planning officials as the implemented the nation's one-child policy with forced abortions.

Bush followed that up with a policy preventing taxpayers from being forced to pay for new embryonic stem cell research that destroys human life.

The president signed every piece of pro-life legislation that came to his desk, including the partial-birth abortion ban and a bill to make sure babies who survive botched abortions receive appropriate medical care.

Bush signed into law the Unborn Victims of Violence Act to offer protection and justice to pregnant women like Laci Peterson and their unborn children who are killed or injured in violent attacks.

He also signed measures to reduce abortions among disabled babies by helping provide parents of children with Down syndrome and other ailments with alternatives.

President Bush also repeatedly threatened to veto any Congressional bill that removed one of the many different protections against taxpayer funded abortions.

On the bioethics front, President Bush offered to sign a ban on all forms of human cloning, though Congress never took him up on the offer. He also pressed for a UN call for nations to ban human cloning.

Bush tried to stop the use of federally-controlled drugs in assisted suicides in Oregon, but the courts stopped him from doing so and Congress never approved a bill backing him up.

And Bush signed into law a measure designed to help the family of Terri Schiavo save her from a painful starvation and dehydration death at the hands of her former husband.

"His attempt to save Terri Schindler Schiavo from a painful death showed his compassion for one vulnerable life," Wright said.

For other pro-life leaders, the contrast between the Bush years and the Obama administration on pro-life issues will be striking.

"President Bush leaves a strong pro-life legacy that will really only be understood in his wake with the heart-breaking ascendancy of a radical pro-abortion president," pro-life nurse and blogger Jill Stanek said. "I will miss him."

Stanek points out the not-so-heralded actions Bush took and says he appointed pro-life people to the key positions that mattered when it came to policy.

Father Frank Pavone said a president can be measured not only by the impact he has during his time in office but by the future impact his actions have. That, he says, is expressed in the fact that Bush named two Supreme Court judges that pro-life advocates strongly support.

"By far, the most lasting and significant progress made under President Bush is represented by the two Supreme Court Justices he nominated and the Senate confirmed," he told "That was the motivation for so many voters who elected the president both times. And it has already paid off, as the Supreme Court upheld the ban on partial-birth abortion."

Pavone says he personally saw the pro-life commitment of Bush and his administration during his interaction with him.

"In ways the public usually doesn't hear about, pro-life men and women have been shaping and implementing federal policies and doing all they can to advance a culture of life through administrative decisions and policy proposals, both domestic and international," he said.

Those actions went beyond the border of the United States.

"The reputation of the United States as an exporter of abortion was accurate under President Clinton and will again be accurate under President Obama. Not so for President Bush," he said.

CWA's Wendy Wright concluded her thoughts on Bush this way: "In the annals of history, George W. Bush will be remembered as a president who believed and fought to protect innocent human life. While we'll never know how many lives were saved, and rarely will a person know that his or her life was rescued because of his policies, we do know that he set a standard that others can follow."

And, as Pavone noticed, President Bush truly believed in the cause of life.

"All of us who had the opportunity to speak with President Bush were struck by his sincerity and faith," he said.

"On one occasion, he pointed to the precious feet pin that a guest was wearing and said, 'We're going to win this battle,'" Pavone explained. "History will prove him right.

by Steven Ertelt Editor
January 16
, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Doomsday Cult...???

Doomsday cult says nuclear war starts next Thursday June 12, 2008...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Religious? No. Zesty? Definitely.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hollywood’s Hypocrisy: Christian’s Are Evil But Mass Murderers Are Idolized

Unfortunately nearly 3 million (and counting) people have already logged on to the Funny or Die website and viewed Tony award-winning songwriter Mark Shaiman’s “Prop. 8 The Musical”, the song and dance send up about the California ballot initiative banning same-sex marriage featuring John C. Reilly, Neal Patrick Harris, and Jack Black (as Jesus). The video also boasts an array of theatre and stage stars: The “California Gays and The People That Love Them” are played by Jordan Ballard, Margaret Cho, Barrett Foa, J.B. Ghuman, John Hill, Andy Richter, Maya Rudolph, Rashad Naylor and Nicole Parker. Remember those names christians. Don’t support anything they do.

What’s so sad about all this is that christians are willing to support the garbage that hollow-wood is ramming down our throats and by doing so are putting more money in the pockets of these individuals so they can turn around and finance more anti-christian propaganda like this video. Christians, these people are your enemies, don’t support there work. If you don’t believe that, just look at the way Hollow-wood portraits christians on films. We’re always portrait as lunatics, weirdos, fanatics, killers, hatemongers (isn’t it funny how baby killers are not), etc. In hollow-wood anything that has to do with moral conscience and decency is looked upon with disfavour, as deviant, and disordered behavior, as something anti-nature. And it’s unmercifully mocked.

In Hollow-wood they say that to have a successful sitcom you need to break at least 7 of the 10 commandments. If you stand up against homosexuality you’re full of hate, but it’s ok to kill innocent unborn babies.

Even sadder than that is seeing how America’s most influential ministries support the work of these enemies of Christ. For example Focus On The Family (besides promoting Mormonism among other things) praising “Twilight”, that’s right, the vampire movie, rather than condemn such a satanic film. Is there focus really on building up the family? I wonder. Read more about this by clicking here. And they are not alone on this. They are many other leading ministries doing the same. And that my friends is tragic.

Is funny how in this abomination called “Prop 8 The Musical” we’re portrait as evil. But while these hollywood hypocrytes call christians evil for wanting to maintain moral values alive, they turn around and idolize mass murderers like Che Guevara.

As Reason TV explains on there short, 8-minute long documentary titled “Killer Chic: Hollywood’s Sick Love Affair with Che Guevara”: Giselle Bundchen wears him on her bikini. Johnny Depp wears him around his neck. And Benicio del Toro becomes him in Steven Soderbergh’s by-all-accounts-fawning four-hour biopic, Che, now in limited release.

Del Toro, who took home best actor honors at Cannes earlier this year, is already earning Oscar whispers for his performance. But “Che” is only the latest sign of Hollywood’s infatuation with Guevara, Castro, and other dictatorial goons (recently, Sean Penn had a cover story in The Nation lamenting unfair media coverage of the tyrannical Cuban and Venezuelan regimes).

“Killer Chic” tours the hellholes of totalitarianism through the eyes of Paquito D’Rivera, who left Cuba for artistic freedom and ended up becoming a Grammy Award-winning jazz player, and Kai Chen, a former member of the Chinese national basketball team whose relatives were hauled off under Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution. “Killer Chic” is a fascinating and troubling foray into Hollywood’s shallow–and callow–appropriation of murderous thugs.

Go to for more information and related materials.

Killer Chic: Hollywood’s Sick Love Affair with Che Guevara:

The Day Will Come When Rick Warren Will Have To Give An Account To God

Rick Warren is now saying that disagreeing with gay-rights activists on same-sex marriage doesn't mean he is anti-gay. Huh? Wow. Does this mean he is pro-gay?

Read all about here: Rick Warren - Opposed to gay marriage, not gay partnerships.

Clearly, homosexuality is a sin. Rick Warren knows that. It's so obvious that Mr. Warren is so committed to a social agenda that he is willing to ignore a Biblical truth. He is willing to compromise the Gospel of Jesus Christ for his own gain, whatever that is. According to Bible prophecy, there will be a great apostasy from Christs church, a great falling away. It's so obvious that Mr. Warren has gone that route. But there will come a day when these so called "leaders of christianity" will have to give an account to God. And that's a fact!!

And what's up with Mr. Warren patronizing a thrift store in Calif. that supports gay causes and telling the openly gay manager of the store “don't believe everything you read”. Is he back peddling?

The Hypocrites In Hollywood Are Non-Judgemental & Tolerant As Long As You Agree With Them

Protesters hold up their marriage license to express their anger against the passage of Proposition 8 Saturday Nov. 8, 2008
Protesters hold up their marriage license to express their anger against the passage of Proposition 8 Saturday Nov. 8, 2008 in Los Angeles Calif. Associated Press.

This is a commentary written by L. Brent Bozell III, president of the Media Research Center and a nationally syndicated columnist.

Hollywood can still mount a soapbox and recall the dark days when people lost their jobs in show business for daring to take an unpopular political position that was outside the mainstream. Whenever they're criticized, they proclaim, "McCarthyism," accuse their critics of "blacklisting," and condemn the deplorable "intolerance."

Hollywood has yet to accept, perhaps even to understand, that it is the entertainment industry that excels at this slanderous behavior. After California voters narrowly approved Proposition 8, which amended the state constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman, it was revealed that Scott Eckern, the artistic director of the California Musical Theater in Sacramento, the state's largest nonprofit musical theater company, had donated $1,000 to the Yes on 8 campaign.

Mr. Eckern's freedom of speech be damned: The man needed to be punished. Producer Marc Shaiman's musical "Hairspray" had played at the theater, and he announced he would never allow anything he wrote to play there because of Mr. Eckern's donation. This declaration triggered a blistering e-mail pressure campaign, forcing Mr. Eckern to resign.

Mr. Shaiman claimed to the Associated Press that he regretted it came to Mr. Eckern losing his job and said: "It's a tragedy for everyone involved. You'll certainly see that no one called for him to resign."

Mr. Shaiman said he would never allow anything he wrote to play there, but he doesn't think that was creating pressure to dismiss Mr. Eckern? That confounds common sense. So great was the pressure that Mr. Eckern, a Mormon, also felt he had to donate a repentant $1,000 to a gay-rights group. Meanwhile, the theater bizarrely claimed it would not "impinge on the rights of its employees to engage in political activities."

This wasn't the only blacklisting. Los Angeles Film Festival Director Richard Raddon, also a Mormon, was pressed into resignation after his $1,500 donation to the Yes on 8 campaign was disclosed. Film Independent, the festival's organizer, put out its own Orwellian statement that "Our organization does not police the personal, religious or political choices of any employee, member or filmmaker." But one Film Independent board member told the Los Angeles Times that the "progressives" also berated Mr. Raddon personally with phone calls and e-mails.

Gay activists are correct that they have every right to boycott theaters or businesses that offend them. But that's exactly the right that anti-communists claimed in the middle of the last century, and Hollywood has spent more than 50 years condemning this as an attack on hallowed free speech. The hypocrisy speaks for itself.

It wasn't enough for Marc Shaiman to get Mr. Eckern fired. Next, he made a star-studded satirical video (appearing on the comedy Web site "Funny Or Die") mocking opponents of Proposition 8, casting the comedian Jack Black as Jesus Christ, who trashed the Bible as hopelessly out of date. It is more of the anti-religious bigotry for which this industry, supposedly so devoted to "tolerance," has become famous.

The cartoonish Christians in Mr. Shaiman's video sing it's "time to drop some hate" with Prop 8. They proclaim they lied about gays, "but it worked, so we don't care." So "Jesus" shows up to "correct" - and ridicule - the idea that the Bible calls homosexuality an abomination: "but it says the same thing about this shrimp cocktail.This is a Ponzi scheme in essence - an attempt to grow the real economy by expanding the government economy. It won't work.... Leviticus says shellfish is an abomination!"

This phony-baloney Jesus seems to be quoting directly from an Obama speech in 2006 that suggested Christian conservatives weren't reading their Leviticus. But neither Mr. Obama nor Mr. Shaiman will admit in the Bible there is also St. Peter's vision in the Acts of the Apostles, where he's told to abandon the idea of clean and unclean foods.

Mr. Shaiman also has his Bible-trashing Jesus sing that the Bible says, "You can stone your wife, or sell your daughter into slavery." This is also a common pro-gay argument, as if Christians today are all recognized to be active in wife-stoning and daughter-enslaving. When the Christians say they ignore those verses, Jesus scolds, "it seems to me you pick and choose. ... Well, then, choose love instead of hate. Besides your nation was built on separation of church and state."

Only someone utterly ignorant would make a video where Jesus descends in a vision to humanity only to sound like a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union.

Hollywood loves to pose as the trendy defender of civil liberties, but clearly no one who wants to remain employed would ever dare to make a musical mockery of Mr. Shaiman and his blacklisting coalitions. No one has forgotten the ruined career of former "Grey's Anatomy" star Isaiah Washington for ingloriously using six-letter epithet for homosexuals on a private set. From now on, no one in entertainment will feel safe making a donation as measly as $100 to a conservative defense-of-marriage campaign.

Mr. Bozell's commentary ends here.

But come on folks; does this commentary by Mr. Bozell really surprises us? I mean, isn't it what we expect from these hypocrites? Remember, these are the same people that brought us the abominations that you will see in the following videos. I recommend you take a good look at them:


An Examination of the Modern Media's Anti-Christian Bias. Not only exposes the depth of our culture's rebellion against God, it outlines a practical strategy for what the individual and the Church can do to tear down the "idol of entertainment" that threatens both us and our land.

Hollywood: Lights, Camera, Blasphemy (Part 1 of 3)

Hollywood: Lights, Camera, Blasphemy (Part 2 of 3)

Hollywood: Lights, Camera, Blasphemy (Part 3 of 3)

That's Hollywood for you. Distorting all truth, (nothing new there), to fit there paganistic agenda.